
A food blog dedicated to the Kansas City commercial photography studio - Alistair Tutton Photography

Other Work - People Photography

Sometimes when we're not photographing food we get to photograph people and here's a superb gallery of those images - People Photography. Sometimes we capture lifestyle images...

Lifestyle portrait of teenage cyclist for Wojo Nutrition

Lifestyle portrait of teenage cyclist for Wojo Nutrition

...and other times it's environmental portraits.

Stuart Aldridge at work for Feast Magazine at the Broadway Butcher

Stuart Aldridge at work for Feast Magazine at the Broadway Butcher

NEW WORK - Eat Gallery

We've been very busy, and we've been a little behind on updating this site, but that's all changing this month! The big change you'll see is a totally refreshed Eat gallery - the main gallery for my site featuring entrees and meaty dishes. We've worked with the wonderful folk at Wonderful Machine to select the best images over the last year and a half and I can't wait to show you the other galleries as we update them.

Pork chops in a skillet for Smithfield

Pork chops in a skillet for Smithfield

Other Work - Aerial Photography

So we do a lot of other work beyond food, another great genre of images we capture are aerial photographs. We do this work in a huge variety of locations around the country beyond our home base in Kansas City.

If you want to see a great gallery or architectural images please go here - Aerial Photography

Children's Mercy Park home of Sporting KC in Kansas City, KS for the MLS All-Star Game

Children's Mercy Park home of Sporting KC in Kansas City, KS for the MLS All-Star Game

Or if you want to see the whole architectural photography website please check this out - Architectural Photography Website

Aerial interchange in Fort Worth, TX

Aerial interchange in Fort Worth, TX

Other Work - ArchitecturaL Photography

So we do a lot of other work beyond food, the next major category of images we capture are architectural photographs. We do this work in a huge variety of locations around the country beyond our home base in Kansas City.

If you want to see a great gallery or architectural images please go here - Commercial Architectural Photography

Interior of the Kauffman Performing Arts Center in Kansas City, MO

Interior of the Kauffman Performing Arts Center in Kansas City, MO

Or if you want to see the whole architectural photography website please check this out - Architectural Photography Website

Home exterior for Ply Gem in Lincolnton, NC

Home exterior for Ply Gem in Lincolnton, NC

MBB+ - Chinet "Tear Sheets"

I'm not sure what to call them when they are digital tear sheets, but take a look at the amazing ways MBB+ integrated our images in Chinet's new website. We loved making the images to reflect the incredibly diverse range of product and imagine all the scenes their customers would use the product in. Thanks to Anne Fisher and Shelly Migliazzo for all the hard work on styling the project.

Cargill Burgers - Blacktop Creative

We just captured some amazing burger images using natural light for Cargill, with art direction by Blacktop Creative. The stylist was Sarah Hunt, and she did an incredible job of bringing each burger to life. The hero of the show for me was the lighting. We worked incredibly hard to create a tiny aperture to let light spill directly on the burger while masking the rest of the scene off almost entirely. I love the end result.

Ice Cream Sundae Shoot

We just worked with the awesome food stylist, Anne Fisher, on some test ice cream shots. We worked with the natural light and a blend of Profoto's firing through the windows with fill cards to blend a more natural look.

Houlihans - Inspiralized

We spent a lovely day at the Houlihan's offices late last year capturing a wide variety of the Inpiralized dishes they have invented for a major launch this year. It's a truly unique dish and they are absolutely delicious.

Smithfield - Marinated Pork

Another fantastic shoot for Smithfield, creating images of a wide variety of marinated products. The recipes are awesome and it's just a wonderful time creating all these scenes for each dish.

Smithfield - Pork Shoulder

More wonderful work for the Smithfield family - this time creating images for the pork shoulder cut. Love the variety of fresh ingredients and delicious pork.

Feast - Char Bar

We jumped at the chance to work with Feast Magazine and Char Bar to create this beautiful image. We needed to use Phase One and a wide angle lens to capture the feel of a delicious gathering of people for their very special Sunday fried chicken meals. Thankfully Char Bar pulled out all the stops and helped us create a truly unique and delicious image.

Migliazzo Beverages

We've been working with an awesome new prop stylist for the last couple of months and we wanted to expand our portfolio of beverage imagery.

Migliazzo - Oyster Shoot

This was a lovely test shoot with a new prop stylist we've had some fun with in the studio recently. Shelly Migliazzo is working to help create some new scenes for us, while we create some beautiful work for both our portfolios. Today was a chance to play around with some wonderful oysters and mushrooms.

Smithfield - Marinated Pork Shoot

Another wonderful shoot capturing the beautiful pork of Smithfield and it's marinated meats. We worked with Susan Hunt again to create some stunning dishes - focusing on simple recipes, and incredible ingredients.

MBB+ - Chinet Web Imagery

This was an amazing shoot we got to work with in conjunction with MBB+ and Chinet. The aim of the shoot was to create a family of headers for their new website, featuring their product and other props. Over the course of two days we created over thirty scenes. A huge amount of planning and coordination went into making this shoot possible with Anne Fisher as the food stylist and Shelly Migliazzo as the prop stylist and an incredible creative team at MBB+. Thank you to the folks at Chinet for taking such a bold step in creating these scenes with us.